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Content Writer

Living a Creative Life Mindfully

Where writing is concerned, my passions are storytelling, encouraging creative communities, and advocating for Mental Health.

As a Freelance Writer, I have had the opportunity of reporting news on two separate entertainment websites, create blog content for organic hair products, write scripts for video productions, draft and design email campaigns, as well as many personal essays throughout the years.

Telling stories is a passion; be it for a product, a social issue, personal struggles and triumphs, call-to-action, or even fiction, writing connects us as a society while also wielding the power to influence worldwide.

Would you like to connect and discuss the possibility of working together? Feel free to request more information in the Contact form below.


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My name is Desiree M. Ortega. I was born in New York and raised in sunny South, FL. From a young age, I discovered a love for writing and art. That led to me pursuing many creative ventures from childhood through adolescence such as theatre, dance, singing, guitar, stage design, soundboard management, as well as teaching various creative ventures.

As for writing, I explored poetry, storytelling via plays for the theatre, screenplays, non-fiction works, and adventure novels with a dose of romance.

My other passions include coffee, reading, teaching about the writing process, art, and aiding in ending the stigma surrounding mental health.


Building a creative community founded on mindfulness is my current mission that I'd like to explore through writing and art.

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