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Writer's pictureDes Marie

If We Were Having Coffee: I’m Still Here!

photo courtesy of: Ransom Riggs-phtograph of @TaherehMafi 's hands

photo courtesy of: Ransom Riggs-photograph of @TaherehMafi ‘s hands

Hey! Hi! Remember me? *waves* Yeah, I know. It’s  been forever. I barely remember me. Talk about a blog hiatus, which by no means was on purpose. It was hard to figure out what or how to even approach this come back post so I figured doing a “If we were having coffee” feature seemed appropriate. It’s like we went out, sat at a cozy coffee joint with our yum yum drinks in hand, in the relaxed atmosphere, music lulling in the background and played catch up together….which we are…only virtually…and slightly one-sided. Okay…entirely one-sided but you get the point!

So what’s been going on, some of you may be curious to know, while others, I respectably understand, could give a crap. ^_^ The last you sporadically heard from me, I was going to ‘The Fault in Our Stars‘ movie tour that stopped by my city–the first stop of the tour. From then on, things have been a whirlwind of craziness. So let’s get to it…If you and I were having coffee, I would share:

text if we were having coffee

Oh dear, goodness me, where to start? After ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ tour, a very pleasant surprise showed up in my inbox about two weeks later. It was an email, asking to confirm me and a guest for an early screening of the movie! At first, I wasn’t sure if the email was real. It didn’t look legit or formal, but a friend and I (who both received an email) researched some and for the most part, confirmed it was legit. Well, come the following Wednesday, Vanessa (who graciously came to wait in a line outside the theater with me–she’s not a fangirl but at least was interested in seeing the movie) and I went and had the privilege of seeing this movie weeks before it releases into theaters.

Can I just say, Bra-Freaking-Vo Josh Boone (Director of TFIOS<~~~fandom name)! The movie was the Book! The casting was PERFECT. The approach to the movie, the cinematography, the music, the direction they took, was outstanding. Seriously, maybe a couple nit-picking things I would have “liked”, but really, that’s just over analyzing at this point because it was just SO good. Of course, we ALL cried. The room cried, sobbed, shamelessly. It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I plan to see it again and most definitely, I will own it as well. Go see THE FAULT IN OUR STARS! June 6th! Seven more days, people!

This story and book means a lot to me because I read it during the time I was grieving from my other big brother’s unexpected death to cancer. I was and still struggle with grieving through it. Though time has passed, the wound feels recent, and fresh still. I was being strong for my entire family. I was people’s shoulder of faith and strength at the time so I held myself back from fully feeling, experiencing the loss. I believe, at the time I read this story (might have been a couple weeks after we lost him–what possessed me, I have NO idea. I knew the premise of the book. lol ), it helped me grieve a little. It helped me confront those feelings. Face the truth of the situation. I needed to. I tend to hold things in, keeping it to myself for a very long time.  Seeing the movie, brought some of that back, but it was good.

text if we were having coffee

Page to Premiere reporting! I have been loving the experience of news writing for this amazing entertainment website focused on book to movie adaptations–especially of the YA genre. It’s a site about fangirling/fanboying run by fangirls/fanboys just like you, so it’s been great connecting with the community. It combines two loves of mine: Books! (which for me goes hand in hand with Writing) and Movies (which goes hand in hand with my passion for Acting and the process of Film making–bringing stories to life).

If you want up to date news on all things books to movie adaptations, check out Page to Premiere’s social networks:

PTP social networks

text if we were having coffee

Writing my book… *huffs a breath from the corner of my mouth, blowing my bangs off my face, exasperated* Yeah, so…I’ve been avoiding my book. Ugh. And I know why. This isn’t just one of those random, you can’t explain it, procrastination writing lulls–no. I’ve been slightly intimidated by my book and overwhelmed at the same time because of certain things I’m becoming picky about. I had returned to writing–I believe I shared this–I needed to go back and up the tension between my two main characters. So I spent about a week going back into my manuscript and revisiting every interaction between them. Finally, got to my most current page and I was excited to get back to the creative writing part, since the past week felt like revision of sorts. Ha. Yeah. Fat chance. I avoided the manuscript for a bit again. Suddenly, ALL these thoughts and ideas started coming. Aspects about my two main characters started bothering me which meant, I was going to have go back in and do that whole process again, only it’s going to be more complicated. A part of me just wants to finish this draft already. Just finish telling the freaking story, THEN go back in and do the nit-picky work. That’s what revision is for!

*sighs* Yeah, that pep talk hasn’t done diddly squat for a month now. Ugh. I think I won’t be able to just go back in and finish unless I address these things bothering me. Meh. I wish I had and knew how to handle the monster called Scrivenger. Would make going back and forth between certain scenes easier, or so I’m told.

Anyhoo, I plan to get back on that, ASAP. I need and want to finish this draft. I have the entire story already. I even have book two’s premise put together. I need to stop procrastinating and tackle this sucker. My characters want to move forward!

text if we were having coffee

Reading. Oh the books. I’ve been in a funky mood lately. I will not get into it, but tons has been going on with my family, plus my closest friends have been going through really difficult, dark times and then my own personal stuff has been weighing heavy so it’s been just one big fat suckage the entire month of May.

Why May? Why? What did I do to you, dag-blammit?!

I’m sure all that suckage mood sucker has aided in the writing halt, which in turn has also explained my poor blog being abandoned. I made myself sit down on my fanny today, open up a blank draft and think of something, ANYTHING to put out into the blog because it was just ridiculous already. This poor thing was being over neglected.

*soothes blog* “I’m so sorry I abandoned you…no, no. It wasn’t you, it was me.”

During the transition time of all this funkage, my reading became complicated. I was about to dive into “If I Stay”. I went out determined to get the book and I did. I began to read it and got maybe 10 pages in then stopped. I noticed I wasn’t emotionally prepared to read that story. I’ve been too emotional. I’m just not ready, so I put it aside. Then I attempted a few others, but nothing was sticking. Then “The One” by Kiera Cass came out, which was the ending to the trilogy. I NEEDED to know how that story ended. I truly enjoyed it. After that, I went on a New Adult binge on my kindle because I was able to get a few new books either for free or extremely inexpensive. I dove into the Jennifer Armentrout/J. Lynn<~~~New Adult genre pen name~~Wait for You series. Loved. It. SO. Much. Cam and Avery. They’re my favorite. I heard so many in the book community gush over Jennifer Armentrout’s writing and this New Adult series specifically.

WaitForYou Amazon


Some things are worth waiting for…

Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.

Some things are worth experiencing…

Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.

Some things should never be kept quiet…

But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she’s has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

And some things are worth fighting for…


So there it is folks, in a nutshell! *wipes brow* “Phew!” I did it. I finally wrote a new post since FOR-EVER!

What are you all reading these days?

Have you read the Wait for You series?

Coffee or tea?

How’s YOUR writing coming along?

It’s great hearing from you all! Whether on here or Twitter! (@dreamymarie) Happy reading, writing, and living everyone! Till next time. I intend to get back into posting my book talks and hopefully news on writing as well.

Till next time! *tips invisible hat*

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